5 Hari
Pelatihan CISA Exam Preparation diperuntukkan bagi para profesional yang ingin mengikuti ujian CISA untuk mendapatkan sertifikan Auditor Internal. Dalam 5 hari para peserta akan dibimbing mulai dari persiapan ujian sampai dengan tips – tips dalam menghadapi ujian. Diharapkan dengan pelatihan ini para peserta benar – benar telah siap, sebelum memutuskan untuk regristrasi ujian CISA.
- Memahami konsep dasar dan terminologi apa yang akan diaudit
- Menjadi teknisi akuntan maupun melaksanakan transaksi yang kompleks.
1. The Process of Auditing Information Systems
- 1.1. Management of the IS Audit Function
- 1.2. ISACA IS Audit and Assurance Standards and Guidelines
- 1.3. Risk Analysis
- 1.4. Internal Controls
- 1.5. Performing an IS Audit
- 1.6. Control Self-assessment
- 1.7. The Evolving IS Audit Process
2. Governance and Management of IT
- 2.1. Corporate Governance
- 2.2. Governance of Enterprise IT
- 2.3. Information Systems Strategy
- 2.4. Maturity and Process Improvement Models
- 2.5. IT Investment and Allocation Practices
- 2.6. Policies and Procedures
- 2.7. Risk Management
- 2.8. Information Systems Management Practice
- 2.9. IS Organizational Structure and Responsibilities
- 2.10. Auditing IT Governance Structure and Implementation
- 2.11. Business Continuity Planning
- 2.12. Auditing Business Continuity
3. Information Systems Acquisition, Development, and Implementation
- 3.1. Benefits Realization
- 3.2. Project Management Structure
- 3.3. Project Management Practice
- 3.4. Business Application Development
- 3.5. Business Application Systems
- 3.6. Development Methods
- 3.7. Infrastructure Development/ Acquisition Practices
- 3.8. Information Systems Maintenance Practices
- 3.9. System Development Tools and Productivity Aids
- 3.10. Process Improvement Practices
- 3.11. Application Controls
- 3.12. Auditing Application Controls
- 3.13. Auditing System Development, Acquisition and Maintenance
4. Information Systems Operations, Maintenance and Suppor
- 4.1. Information System Operations
- 4.2. Information Systems Hardware
- 4.3. IS Architecture and Software
- 4.4. IS Network Infrastructure
- 4.5. Auditing Infrastructure and Operations
- 4.6. Disaster Recovery Planning
5. Protection of Information Assets
- 5.1. Importance of Information Security Management
- 5.2. Logical Access
- 5.3. Network Infrastructure Security
- 5.4. Auditing Information Security Management Framework
- 5.5. Auditing Network Infrastructure Security
- 5.6. Environmental Exposure and Controls
- 5.7. Physical Access Exposures and Controls